Our service allows doctors to concentrate on performing their duties and we take care of everything else. We look after the following for our locum doctors:
- Incorporation of a private limited company. The doctor will be a director and shareholder in the company.
- Opening a company bank account.
- Preparation and submission of invoices on behalf of the doctor’s company for work done by the doctor.
- Calculation of travel and subsistence allowances and all allowable business related expenses on behalf of the doctor.
- Calculation of PAYE, PRSI and USC.
- Preparation of your personal income tax return.
- To deal with Revenue Commissioners on behalf of the company and to prepare and submit P30 and P35 returns to Revenue Commissioners. The Doctor should have no dealings with Revenue Commissioners.
- To prepare annual accounts and financial statements for the company in accordance with applicable Irish law and generally accepted accounting practice in Ireland.
- To prepare and submit to Revenue Commissioners a corporation tax return on behalf of the company.
- To act as Company Secretary to the company for liaising with CRO and to maintain a Statutory Minute Book and Register for the company.
- To prepare and submit to CRO abridged financial statements on behalf of the company.
- To prepare and submit 6 monthly and annual returns to CRO on behalf of the company.